Running qemu on a linux platform means you have the ability to use hardware acceleration via KVM. This allows you to access the virtualization features of your processor. For MacOSX we aren’t as lucky since there currently is no port of KVM for MacOSX.
As of MacOSX 10.10 apple introduced hypervisor.framework which is their way of acccessing the virtualisation features of the processor. The downside to hypervisor.framework is it isn’t as readily supported in other applications such as Qemu. It also doesn’t have the ability to do nested virtualization which is important if you want to run something like EVE-NG.
Patched Qemu overview
There is currently work being performed to make a patch for Qemu here Patchew. The patch takes code from a modified version of a Qemu fork which is available here: Android Emulator. This code in turn was taken from a project called Veertu. Hopefully this project will be finished and make it upstream but for now, you can use the fork.
Installing patched Qemu
Download the code
The command below will download the code in to a locally directory called qemu.
Build and install the patched Qemu code
Next we can build the code.
Launch Qemu
The two switches are required to use the hypervisor.framework